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Information Wissensdatenbank
Axolotls - A general information sheet.

These are my personal opinions, collected via, and common sense. None of the links in this sheet are bringing me any money (yet), they are simply there to show you my equipment. When purchasing anything, consider the saying "Buy cheap - buy twice". Everything I link should have above average reviews.

Do NOT use chemicals or starter bacteria for Axolotl!
For illness and issues, please request help on (eng) or (ger).
I am not a professional nor an expert, these are just the things I found within the last six months since I adopted aquaristicizm. Most of the following informations are gathered on - a/the german axolotl community.

Also, the german market is different from the US market and my google is denying properly searching US-intarwebz. I am trying to find similar products or link you the german products and some info about it.

And as you might have realized by now: English is not my first language, if you see any errors (UK english, not US english), feel free to correct me. You should also be aware, that some things may get lost in my mind during translation.

  • Axolotl are cold water animals. Keep them between 16°C and 19°C. You can use a cooler or ice bottles.
  • They seem happier with buddies. Two is better than one.
  • They eat gravel/sand with their food. Make sure you got fine grained and non-sharp ground. Black ground sadly usually isn't Axolotl-safe, since it is metal based or painted. Both has a risk of being poisonious. You can check for metal by dropping in a magnet.
--Tank setup--
To setup a tank, you need a tank, at least 80cm long and 40cm wide. That is enough for two. More living space (100x40cm, 100x60cm) is always better. Height does not matter, I suggest and use a tank height of 40cm.

Wipe it out with vinegar, properly rinse it out until that disgusting smell is gone.

First off, you want to place the technical equipment. As a filter in the beginning, I suggest something like this: or some corner filter by EHEIM or JBL - or for lazy ones: .
You might also want to add an air/bubble stone, which you keep running between 2am and 5am.

Then fill it with some CLEANED! really fine and rounded gravel (I use Aquaterratec is AxoGravel white (GER!): - IF you import this to other countries and continents outside EU, feel free to message me!).
Into the middle, put some plants like hornwort (low light, low temperature - find more on ) and some pipes and caves for the Axo is to hide. Keep a 5cm walkway around the sides, so your Axo is can wander at night.
What you could do is throw in some water grass seeds or - but this will make cleaning the ground more complicated later.

After you put in the plants and hideouts, carefully fill in the water (I used a garden watering can with that shower head) but you will have to replant the plants anyway.

Now just let the tank cycle for about six weeks. During that, check the monitor temperature (note if it reaches 20°C or goes over) and the water values. Nitrite should peak within six weeks. After that, you can put in your Axolotls.

--Cleaning the gravel/sand--
For that I use a nano gravel cleaner (German: "Dennerle Nano Mulmsauger") like this:

--Changing the water--
I was told: Every three weeks, you should change 30% of the tanks water.

--Salt bath--
Please don't add salt to your tank. Bacteria/Fungi might get used to the salt and immunize. The solution is to get "quarantine boxes".

When your Axo has contracted a fungus, especially in his gills, it is advised to do salt (water!) baths.
For that you need salt without iodine (important!) or any other additions. Just pure, clean salt. In Germany (maybe EU), we (can) use special salt for dishwashers (check the package for ingredients!).
You also need two boxes, like an IKEA Samla and a Lid. Choose a size longer than your Axo for the animal is sake (I use 10L boxes and my 28cm Axo fits fine).

First, you prepare one box, disinfect it (with vinegar or alcohol), wash it out with clear water and then fill it with cold, fresh water and 1 (ONE) Tea spoon of salt for every 10L of water. For that, please mix the salt into a cup and completely dissolve it before adding it to the water inside the box. Now you can put the Axo in that box, where it will stay for a while. It will be happier in a cold place (your basement) with low light (at least put something like your shirt or a towel above half of the box. The lid is there to stop it from soaking). Attention: Don't completely close the lid, unless you added holes. Your Axo will need the air.
Once a day, for twenty minutes, you put the Axo into an intensive salt water bath, the second box, which you prepare like the first one, with 1 (ONE) Tea spoon of salt for each liter. Don't do that when the Axo has bigger wounds. Also, don't do this for longer than 20minutes.
During these 20 Minutes, you can empty out the first box, desinfect it and prepare it anew as written above, so you can simply switch the axo back into a nice clean box. Then you empty and disinfect the second box, so you don't need to do that the next day.

One day, the fungus should fall off (there might be a bit of blood, don't worry). After that, there are no more intensive baths required, just switch it between two "first boxes" (1TS salt on 10L water) once a day - for the duration of five days after getting rid of the fungus) and clean out the empty one, to be refilled the next day.

--Last words--
For anymore questions, send me a contact request, I will reply to you via mail - BUT I AM NOT A VET! I will not be able to help your Axolotl, I am sorry. Please consider posting in the correct sections on!


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Wissensdatenbank - by Niemand - 06-26-2018, 02:18 PM
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